Witcher 1 - How to Manage a Full Inventory

Isn't it a pain when you want to pick up an item but you have no space in your inventory to store it? The natural thing to do would be to drop some items from your inventory to make space for new items. But the problem here is that it is nearly impossible to predict which items you will need and won't need on your future travels! Well I have a rule of thumb for when you are out and about in the field:

  • Always discard all read scrolls and books from your inventory. Keeping these will not benefit you in any way. Once you have read them the necessary information will have been acquired and put into the relevant quests and objectives logs. Determine which scrolls and books you have read by hovering the cursor over the item and seeing 'Already Read' displayed. For the ones you haven't read, read them first and then discard them. You don't have to stand there for hours on end in the most inappropriate situations reading them, just a quick open and close will classify them as 'read' and the acquired information will be stored for your quests.

In an ideal world you would want to hold a monopoly over all items, so you have access to them whenever you require them. Well this is possible by using your allocated storage lockers (stores) located at each inn, like the famed Hairy Bear Inn! But even here you need to decide which items to leave in the locker and which items to take on the road with you. So I have another rule of thumb:

  • You don't need any duplicate items in your inventory. As you fill a block in your inventory with maximum numbers of the same item you will start to fill another block with that same item. So leave one of each item in your inventory and move all duplicates to your storage locker.

  • If you are still struggling for space in your inventory, keep one of each type of item and move all others to your storage locker. For example, you may have more than one type of strong alcohol. If you are limited on space there is no point in carrying more than one type of strong alcohol around with you. Just make sure you keep one type of strong, medium and weak alcohol with you.
  • You may have lots of blocks filled with food. Place all the lower number blocks of food (waifs and strays) into your storage locker, keeping the higher numbers with you. This way you maximise the food you are carrying while taking up minimal space.
  • Place your favoured potions or bombs into the available Quickslots for rapid access. This will free up a further couple of spaces in your inventory.
  • There are always ongoing quests where valuable ingredients such as fangs are required by in-game characters in return for currency. Make sure you keep on top of turning these in and completing those quests.
  • If you are low on vitality and have surplus food, eat some to replenish your vitality.
  • Always make sure you have empty spaces in your inventory when you leave an inn. It is inevitable you will acquire more items on your travels.
So, you can see there are lots of things you can do to maintain a healthy inventory but you have to be proactive about it. If you have any additional ideas please leave a comment and share your knowledge. We would be glad to hear from you!


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